
Master Thesis

Construction of a gonioreflectometer to capture and render BRDFs
I constructed a gonioreflectometer using microcontrollers (Arduino) and stepper motors with code written in Java using OpenCV. With this device, BRDFs of arbitrary materials can be captured. This project also includes rendering the captured BRDFs using C++ and OpenGL. Furthermore one can capture and render light fields, light stages and 3D-Scans without modifying the device.
For this work I received the first audience-prize and the first jury-prize of the CV-Award 2019 at the University of Koblenz.


Modern OpenGL 4.6 and C++17 rendering framework
This is my most recent framework for personal projects and quick and easy development of OpenGL based applications.
It uses modern C++17, OpenGL 4.6 and a GPU-driven rendering pipeline including AZDO, DSA, bindless textures and indirect multi-draw calls. It also automatically performs GPU-view-frustum-culling and contains a fast model-loader, PBR-shading and various other real-time rendering techniques.

Acceleration data structures for real-time ray-tracing

Line Space, BVH and Octree
Together with Kevin Keul, Tilman Koß and Stefan Müller I worked on research and development of new GPU-based data structures to accelerate GPU-ray-tracing. This includes the development of the new Line Space data structure as well as research in bounding volume hierarchies, recursive grids and sparse voxel octrees (all of them on the GPU).

Volumetric Lighting

Froxel-based real-time volumetric fog
We implemented the frustum-aligned voxel-grid based volumetric lighting algorithm presented by Bartlomiej Wronski in Volumetric Fog and Lighting (GPU Pro 6). We used OpenGL 4.6 and C++17 and our team consisted of Maximilian Mader (@maxesstuff), Darius Thies and me.


Ray-Tracing framework for distance fields and implicit surfaces
DINO was developed by me and 12 other students in an internship at the University of Koblenz.
It renders distance fields and implicit surfaces in real-time and is also able to discretize triangle meshes to SDFs. Rendering is done using OpenGL and the framework is implemented in C++17. Public access to the project is coming soon™.
This project received the third prize of the CV-Award 2019 at the University of Koblenz.


3D multiplayer battle arena game (Unreal Engine 4.10)
In this multiplayer game players fight against each other in fast and action-packed battles. Each one has to choose one of the four characters and use a variety of attack and defense skills to defeat the opponents. The clou: just a single hit kills, so one has to be careful.
This game received the third prize of the CV-Award 2016 at the University of Koblenz and was released on Steam on 10/31/2017.


In this internship I developed the augmented reality framework “CVARK” at the University of Koblenz together with 13 other students.
We used NVIDIA PhysX, OpenCV and OpenGL as well as C++ and GLSL to implement a funny AR-Game.


A gonioreflectometer is a device to measure the reflection properties of arbitrary materials. In this work, such an apparatus is being built from easily obtainable parts. Therefore three stepper-motors and 809 light-emitting diodes are controlled by an Arduino microcontroller. RGB-images are captured with an industrial camera which serve as refelction data. Furthermore, a control software with several capture programs and a renderer for displaying the measured materials are implemented. One can also perform 3D scans, light field capturing and light staging without altering the construction.
For this work I received the first audience-prize and the first jury-prize of the CV-Award 2019 at the University of Koblenz.
Master Thesis, 2019

This thesis presents a novel technique in computer graphics to simulate realtime global illumination using path tracing. Path tracing is done with compute shaders on the graphics card (GPU) to perform rendering in a highly parallelized manner. To improve the overall performance of tracing rays, the Line Space is used as an acceleration data structure in different variations, resulting in better empty space skipping.
For this work I received the first prize of the CV-Award 2017 at the University of Koblenz.
Bachelor Thesis, 2017

This seminar work presents a brief comparison of the rendering pipelines in the Unity Engine 5, the Unreal Engine 4 and a basic OpenGL renderer. The pipelines are compared with the example of deferred shading and also other concepts like ray tracing are briefly addressed.
Seminar Work, 2016



Apr. 2017 - Jun. 2019: Master of Science in Computational Visualistics

  • University of Koblenz (Germany)
  • Computer Science with focus on Computer Graphics and Computer Vision
  • Development languages: C++, GLSL, C#, Java, Python, Matlab
  • Grade point average: 1.1 (ECTS grade A)

Oct. 2013 - Mar. 2017: Bachelor of Science in Computational Visualistics

  • Grade point average: 1.4 (ECTS grade A)
  • Thesis grade: 1.0 (ECTS grade A, summa cum laude)

Nov. 2015: Blue Byte (Ubisoft) Coding Workshop

  • Game Programming in Unity with C#

2007 - 2013: High school

  • Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium Bonn (Germany)
  • High school diploma (Abitur) with grade point average 1.1


CV-Award 2019: 1st prize (jury)

  • Master Thesis: Gonioreflectometer for material and 3D scans

CV-Award 2019: 1st prize (audience)

  • Master Thesis: Gonioreflectometer for material and 3D scans

CV-Award 2019: 3rd prize

  • DINO: Framework for distance fields and implicit surfaces

CV-Award 2017: 1st prize

  • Bacelor Thesis on Global Illumination using GPU Path Tracing and the Line Space data structure

CV-Award 2016: 3rd prize

  • PC-Game “OneHit”

Work experience

The main topic of my work is computer graphics. I am especially focused on developing new photorealistic and real-time rendering techniques.

As a student assistant I am supporting Prof. Dr. Müller and Kevin Keul at the University of Koblenz with their research on the Line Space data structure for fast and efficient GPU ray tracing. This also includes research in BVHs, two-level data structures, recursive grids and octrees.

Please also refer to my personal projects above and on GitHub.

If you prefer to get my full CV as PDF document, just send me an e-mail.

Programming skills and interests

Object-oriented programming

  • Modern C++17, C# and Java

Application programming interfaces (APIs)

  • OpenGL, OpenCV, CUDA and Vulkan

Game engines

  • Unreal Engine and Unity Engine


  • Building stuff with microcontrollers (e.g. Arduino, RPi)

Spoken languages

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